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National Forklift Safety day

Inspections in the spotlight for National Forklift safety day

For 2021, National Forklift Safety Day is focused on the importance of accredited Thorough Examination. Alongside the campaign is the publication of an updated BITA GN28 guidance note – the industry approved guideline on Thorough Examination and Safety Inspection of Industrial Lift Trucks in accordance with the provisions of LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) 1998 and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) 1998.

As the material handling industry emerges from effects of a series of COVID-19 lockdowns, companies reliant on material handling equipment (MHE) must ensure their MHE is in good condition with no dangerous defects or deterioration.

If MHE has been idle during lockdown, then management has a responsibility to ensure it is safely re commissioned and the best way of ensuring this is to have the equipment examined by a suitably qualified competent person.

For more information on Thorough Examination, click here

For a fuller explanation of LOLER & PUWER, click here