counterbalanced forklift operator's pre shift checks course

The largest forklift operator training website in the world
These pre shift check slides are included in the instructor's package you can purchase here

Pre shift checks training for forklift truck operators

Forklift trucks should be checked over for safety at the start of every day. Where multiple shifts are worked, the truck should be checked before each shift. In addition, under the LOLER and PUWER statutes, every forklift must be given a thorough examination by a competent person at least once a year and every six months if the truck is used for lifting people.

For normal daily checks a record should be kept similar to the one shown above. This should be signed by both the operator and immediate supervisor. A sample pre-shift check sheet can be downloaded here.

Please note that candidates on a forklift operator training course are examined on their ability to carry out pre - use checks on the forklift truck effectively. More details here.

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