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This complete Manual Handling Powerpoint presentation can be purchased here

the task, the work process

Manual handling. the work process

One of the problems preventing good manual handling techniques being adopted at certain companies is the work itself dictating the speed at which people have to move.

I remember well, watching a lady inspecting pizzas in a factory and trying to keep up with a conveyor which fed the product to her quite quickly. She had to inspect each one by hand and then place them on a tray on her left side.

This meant she was twisting at the waist as she took the product of the conveyor from her right side, inspected it and then twisted left on her stool to place it on the tray. (Twisting at the waist should be minimised or eliminated if possible).

I was asked by the health and safety manager of the company how to improve the situation for the employee as he had recognised the problem. The only real answer to the problem is to rotate employees so they are not always performing the same task.

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