Useful articles about forklift trucks

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2024 - Useful articles about forklift trucks and training

Most of the pages on this website can be read in just a few minutes which leaves no scope for more in depth articles which obviously take longer. I decided to expand the site by including this section of forklift feature articles. Please note that I have not written most of these articles but I have credited the authors and provided a link back to them where possible..

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18th July 2024. This interesting article by Marcus Turner of TCM Forklift Trucks reveals what may be the true costs of forklift accidents. Read More

23rd June 2024. The UKMHA members and the wider material handling industry representatives will gather on Saturday 14th September 2024 for the prestigious Archies industry awards ceremony and dinner. Read More

19th June 2024. All forklift trucks and associated operations are covered by RIDDOR. here is a comprehensive guide to the the subject showing exactly what an employers duties are. Read More

13th June 2024. Contrary to belief, it is the responsibility of the employer to issue an authorisation to operate a lift truck, not the instructor who delivers the operator training. Read More

9th May 2024. This article by Mitsubishi Forklifts explains how modern technology is being used in forklift trucks to make the operator's job easier and safer. Read More

6th May 2024. Forklift operators have two critical jobs to account for in addition to their daily tasks: keeping themselves safe and ensuring pedestrian safety in their work environments. Read More

25th April 2024. This article is by Toyota Forklifts but a much more detailed description of fork carriages and their classes is available here. Read Article

21st April 2024. Should you switch your forklift fleet to Lithium Ion battery power? This article is by Toyota forklifts and is a 28 minute read. Read More

17th April 2024. This article is by Toyota forklifts and talks about the importance of safety measures whilst loading and unloading lorries. I have anglicised it a little. Read More

9th April 2024. This article is by Mitsubishi forklift trucks and talks about the problems of whole body vibrations often felt by forklift operators. Read More

7th February 2024. Throughout 2023, UKMHA received numerous reports of premature failures due to the quality of some of the LPG fuel being placed on the UK market. Read More

31st January 2024. The Health and Safety at Work act is 50 years old today, April 1st. This article is by Adam Clarke at Praxis42 who provides an overview of the act and examines its impact over the years. Read More

17th January 2024. This article by RTITB asks how your operation measures up in terms of both the training given to your forklift operators and your operation generally. Read More

7th January 2024. This article is by CFTS and explains what happens when an inspector calls to examine your forklift truck. Read More

2nd January 2024. This article by RTITB hopes to explain some of the myths surrounding forklift operator training and I couldn't have put it better myself! Read More

1st January 2024. The Health and Safety Executive have guidance on the safe loading/unloading of lorries which is reproduced on this here. Read More

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